Thursday, March 5, 2009

Line In the Sand?

It was a lazy Wednesday afternoon. I actually have the luxury of calling it a lazy Wednesday because I'm on holiday! I picked up the remote and flipped through channels on the idiot box. After channel surfing for about 5 minutes, I finally settled on the Hallmark Channel. A movie called "She's Too Young" was playing. I had already seen this particular feature before, but I decided to watch it again anyway.
The movie is basically about fourteen year old girls doing a lot more than leaping out of the "Tween Phase" in life. These girls have done more than most women do in their lifetime. Some had at least 20 different sex partners while others were engaging in oral sex- in school, at the mall...practically everywhere. The sad truth is, this phenomenon is not limited to the States and other western countries. It's happening right under our noses too. Brings chills doesn't it?
The question is, what are the boundaries? Most parent's can't really be blamed because if they do set too many rules, their teenagers tend to rebel. If they allow too much freedom, it doesn't help either. Tighter rules may help to temporarily solve the problem, but what about when these teenagers move on to college and university? Your moral compass- i.e. your parents will not be there to monitor you any longer. How do you stay on track?
In the movie, the girls were engaging in such activities in order to get dates. They weren't exactly in love with their partners. They did it to gain popularity. To be the "it" girl.
What do you do when you are in love with the boy? People do a lot of outrageous things when they are in love. It's difficult to make out the limits and boundaries. The line becomes a blur. How do you know you are doing the right thing? Your judgement is clouded by feelings of affection and in most cases, lust. Even the most sensible of the lot tend to make rash and impulsive decisions. How can something that feels so right be wrong, eh?
Teenagers or young people of today have very different values than the young people of yesteryear's. Most lead a double life. They portray the image of innocence in front of their families and live a life with no boundaries when they are away. You'd think that there would at least be an ounce of guilt in these people, but from the looks of it, they seem comfortable with the arrangement.
Betraying your parents is the worst thing a child could ever do, in my opinion. I don't deny that I have not done my fair share of nonsense behind my parent's back. However, this is a much bigger scenario than the tiny ruckuses I've caused. So how do you honour your family's good name and not give in to the twisted way of life we are all now apart of? Not all of us are that strong.


1 comment:

Aaron Oo said...

Hey Theishini! I found your blog through jason's. It's a really different blog from others! I'm being honest! Don't be afraid to allow the comments into your blog. There are those who will support you too. =)
I'll be adding your ID address to mine. Hope to stay in touch with you. See ya.

Aaron Oo

p/s: If you want to check out mine, just go to Jason's blog. Thanks again.