So many things have been going wrong,
So many things I've had to let go of,
So many mistakes I've finally corrected,
And yet I'm still so deeply affected
I wish I spoke up sooner,
But I know I did it finally because of you,
You're the only ones who put me first,
When everyone else didn't want the bubble to burst
You make me feel like I'm worth it,
You make me feel like I'm not second best,
You stood up for me in so many ways,
I love and trust you, no matter what anyone says
I believe lies too easily,
And you helped me see the truth,
I can't imagine my life if you didn't walk in,
I'd still be drowning in their pools of sin
I always thought there was something in me,
Something awful, something worthless,
You never saw that, now I know,
You brought me miracles in a time without any glow
So much has happened in the past two years,
So much has made me a stronger person today,
You gave me the strength in a time I could not cope,
You gave me love, you gave me trust, you gave me hope.
Thank you for believing in me and just loving me for no particular reason. I love you both!